UA Hosts Governor Ducey for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Oct. 7, 2019
Governor Ducey and President Robbins speak with students during a visit to the DRC's Adaptive Athletics Program Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


Along with many UA friends and supporters, Governor Doug Ducey joined President Robbins and Disability Resource Center (DRC) Athletic Director Pete Hughes to celebrate state support for Adaptive Athletics. This legislative session the legislature passed, and the governor signed, a $160,000 appropriation for adaptive athletics. 

This was Governor Ducey’s first visit to the Disability Resource Center and the Jim and Vicki Click Adaptive Athletics Center. Longtime supporter Jim Click joined the governor and President Robbins to take in wheelchair basketball and rugby scrimmages, led by some of the country’s best adaptive athletes. President Robbins and Governor Ducey met Rob Egan, the head of the American Collegiate Society for Adaptive Athletics, who spearheaded the appropriation request with State Senator Kate Brophy McGee.

The UA Adaptive Athletics team takes a group photo

After nearly two hours visiting athletes and touring UA’s facilities, Governor Ducey ended his visit by cutting the ribbon on the new golf simulator, thereby kicking-off UA’s new adaptive golf program. Media coverage of the event can be found here.

Arizona is the first state to provide funding for adaptive athletics and because UA is the only state university that meets all the statutory requirements, the UA will receive the full $160,000 appropriation. The Adaptive Athletics program plans to use the funding for scholarships, tournament travel expenses, and new equipment. The UA has the largest Adaptive Athletic program in the US, and currently offers seven adaptive sports and has produced 37 Paralympians.