Arizona Legislature Still Short Votes on State Budget Deal

June 1, 2021


On May 25, the Arizona Legislature introduced a series of budget and tax bills that reflects a deal between the Governor’s Office and House and Senate Republican leadership. This deal includes robust investments in state government as well as a flat tax reform to be phased in over the next four years.  The spending proposal provides $100 million in new state funding to the university system, of which the University of Arizona would receive approximately $38 million.  While most lawmakers hoped to adjourn sine die by the end of May, the budget/tax package was still shy of the necessary votes. The negotiation breakdown resulted in the legislature voting to adjourn until June 10. In response to the unexpected break in the action, Governor Ducey vetoed 22 bills with a statement that he will not sign any bills into law until a budget is passed.  State Relations continues to work with lawmakers to ensure the final budget deal supports higher education initiatives and UA priorities.