State Relations Recruits Arizona Legislative Interns for 2022

State Relations would like your help promoting the Arizona Legislative Internship Program. The program allows students to gain real-world work experience and expand their professional networks by participating and being an integral part of Arizona’s legislative process. This internship offers approximately 50 students from Arizona’s universities the opportunity to work at the State Capitol during the Legislative Session while earning academic credit. The internship places students throughout each branch of government from January through May.
If students would like to learn more about the opportunity, please feel free to share the following information regarding the Virtual Recruitment Session. We will have members of the GCR team available to answer questions. The Zoom information is below:
Virtual Recruitment Session - Arizona Legislative Internship Program
Time: Sep 15, 2021 10:00 AM Arizona
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The Arizona Legislative Internship Program has become an important part of the legislative process. In the State Senate and House of Representatives, interns are tasked with writing bill summaries, assisting stakeholder meetings, and making presentations before legislative committees. Students may also apply to intern at the Governor’s Office and the Arizona Supreme Court where they gain an intimate perspective of the Executive and Judicial branches of government.
This program has led to job opportunities for many interns. Government entities, private lobbying firms, and professional associations often hire from the “legislative intern pool” because they know interns leave the program with an in-depth understanding of Arizona’s legislative process. Additionally, interns will have developed excellent research and policy skills, and good relationships with state lawmakers and staff.
Interns earn a full semester of college credit, and tuition and fees for the spring semester are waived. Interns receive a $5,000 stipend and may be eligible for up to $1,000 in relocation reimbursements to Phoenix.
If students have further questions or would like to apply, please direct them to or email Aundrea DeGravina at Applications are due Thursday, September 23. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.