4-H Program Members Visit Capitol Hill

July 3, 2023
Arizona youth participated in 4-H’s Citizenship Washington Focus

As Arizona’s land-grant institution, the University of Arizona operates Arizona’s 4-H Program via Cooperative Extension. This year, nine Arizona youth participated in 4-H’s Citizenship Washington Focus to learn about the legislative process and meet with Arizona lawmakers. UA Federal Relations escorted the students on the Hill for conversations with Members of Congress and congressional staffers. They learned about congressional internships from Sen. Sinema’s stellar interns; committee work from Sen. Kelly’s Legislative Correspondent, Sydney Hess (former UA Student Body President); the variety of policy issues before Members from Rep. Gosar’s staff; and got to spend some quality time with Congressman Crane learning about his background and sharing their own 4-H projects.

Interns on the Hill for conversations with Members of Congress and congressional staffers