GCR tours Arizona Wish House

April 2, 2024

Make-A-Wish Arizona’s Cindy Mero, Vicki Fiorelli-Starkovich, Jane Hays Surgent, Sara Fleury and Jennifer Fleming.

Jane Hays Surgent and Sara Fleury recently toured the Make-A-Wishâ Arizona Wish House, which serves as HQ for the complex operation of fulfilling life-changing wishes to youth suffering from critical illnesses throughout the state. It was great to learn about how the process of envisioning and bringing a wish to fruition serves as positive reinforcement for Wish kids who are battling various life-threatening maladies and how UA can be an ongoing partner. In fact, the percentage of Wish kids who survive into adulthood is 65 to 70 percent. UArizona’s Veterinary program recently helped fulfill a wish of a Tucson 17-year-old who wanted to be a “Veterinarian for a Day.”